Livestock Shrine, Dumisani Mabaso, 2013
WHAG’s permanent collection consists of donations, bequests, and purchases. Works from the permanent collection are rotated regularly to showcase the large number of artworks under our care.
WHAG derives its legislative and policy mandates primarily from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa; the Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999 and the relevant Treasury Regulations including the Public Service Act as well as the Cultural Institutions Act, 119 of 1998, with the prescribed mandate of:
“To collect, preserve, conserve and document, research as well as exhibit works of art which represent the artistic heritage of all South Africans and utilises its assets for the edification, enrichment, and enjoyment of the people. "
The William Humphreys Art Gallery is one of three national art museums in the country (Iziko Museum in Cape Town and National Museum in Bloemfontein are the other two), and the only one in the Northern Cape.
The executive authority is the National Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. The Minister of Sports, Arts and, Culture appoints the Gallery Council which is the Accounting Authority.
Mondays to Fridays: 08:00 – 16:30
Tour guides by appointment
Saturdays: 09:00 – 14:00
Public Holidays: 09:00 – 12:00
Closed on: Sundays, Good Friday,
and 25 Dec to 1 Jan each year